Brian Bartlett has been an above-the-knee amputee for over 24 years. After his tragic accident in 1998, Brian returned to competing against abled-bodied athletes in Mogul, Free, and Alpine Big Mountain skiing. Despite his success, three-tracking as an amputee was taking a toll on his one biological leg. When the marketplace offered no viable solutions to overcome his physical challenge, Brian set about to invent his own prosthetic knee without any engineering or prosthetic experience. He successfully cobbled together a working prototype using reclaimed mountain bike parts and after further refinements, went on to become a Red Bull sponsored downhill mountain bike competitor racing once again against abled-bodied athletes. In 2007 Brian's prosthetic knee landed on the radar of the U.S. and British Special Operations Communities looking for a combat capable prosthetic knee to return highly trained and skilled operators to the battlefield. Humbled and excited to support veterans, Brian in coordination with the Department of Defense, enhanced his knee to meet the stringent military specifications for combat use. Today, the current generation of Brian's knee, the G3 Infinity Knee, is still widely used by above-the-knee and knee-disarticulate amputees in the military community as well as civilians seeking a full and active lifestyle. Like James Hangar in the 19th century, Brian is determined to transform the Amputee Community --- where life is not defined by perceived physical or financial limitations.
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Brian Bartlett
Director Technical Application

Veronica Ko
Director Public Relations

Robert Sayre
Executive Director